Exposed: Corbyn’s toxic ‘Garden Tax’ on family homes Friday, 2 June, 2017 · Plan for Land Value Tax will hit families by trebling Council Tax bills. · Destructive tax will send house prices plummeting and plunge mortgage holders into negative equity · Garden Tax will force families to sell off back yards, paving over England’s greenery · Farmers warn huge new £6 billion Countryside Tax will send food prices soaring The devastating impact of Jeremy Corbyn’s plan for a... Local News
VOTE FOR ME, SIMON KIRBY, STANDING WITH THERESA MAY ON JUNE 8TH 31st May 2017 Brighton Kemptown & Peacehaven is one of the most marginal seats in the country and your vote will really make a difference. Local News
SIMON KIRBY STANDING WITH THERESA MAY – POSTAL VOTES 22nd May 2017 If you have requested a postal vote, your postal vote ballot pack should be arriving around 23rd May. If you requested a postal vote only recently, the ballot... Local News
Social Care 22nd May 2017 Today, following Jeremy Corbyn’s attempts to manipulate the fears of old and vulnerable people, Theresa May will confirm her determination to confront one of... Local News
Simon Kirby Standing with Theresa May 16th May 2017 Since being re-elected in 2015, I have continued with My Plan for Brighton Kemptown & Peacehaven – monitoring the £486 million new hospital development... Local News
Simon Kirby expresses delight at Meadow Vale Planning Application Refusal. 10th May 2017 Simon Kirby, Conservative Candidate for Brighton Kemptown & Peacehaven was delighted to hear that the Meadow Vale planning application was refused today. Local News
Simon Kirby Standing with Theresa May 10th May 2017 I was delighted that the Conservatives managed to win back the two East Sussex County Council seats in Telscombe Cliffs and Peacehaven. Congratulations to both... Local News
Simon Kirby MP receives reply from Minister concerning suggestion to relocate Channel 4 headquarters to Brighton 24th April 2017 Simon Kirby, Member of Parliament for Brighton Kemptown & Peacehaven was pleased to receive a response from the Rt Hon Matt Hancock MP, Minister of State for... Local News
Simon Kirby MP delighted to be officially re-adopted by Kemp Town Conservative Association as Parliamentary candidate for Brighton Kemptown & Peacehaven. 22nd April 2017 Simon Kirby MP delighted to be officially re-adopted by Kemp Town Conservative Association as Parliamentary candidate for Brighton Kemptown & Peacehaven. Simon... Local News
Simon Kirby MP visits Peacehaven Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Club 22nd April 2017 Simon Kirby, the Member of Parliament for Brighton Kemptown and Peacehaven, was pleased to join the Peacehaven Chamber of Commerce to address them at their... Local News