Meadow Vale Planning Application

Please note that the developer has put in some amendments to the above-mentioned planning application.
I have contacted Brighton & Hove Council for clarification regarding existing objections and they have said that if people have already objected to this application, it is now necessary to object again following these amendments.
You can see the developers letter to the Council on
I have already sent in my new objection. I believe that this proposal for 45 houses is wrong for this site and have often said the Council needs to be looking at brownfield and town centre sites, where infrastructure is already available, long before considering greenfield sites such as this one.
I have mentioned that constituents are anxious that a housing development is being considered in this location, with the existing facilities being already overstretched, such as packed buses, traffic congestion, the ability of local health services to cope with more patients and the issue of school places in the city. I am also concerned about the potential loss of the village feel in Ovingdean, Rottingdean and Woodingdean.

In addition, to the above, the amendments show, and it is mentioned in the developer’s own summary letter, that the footprint of the site will be larger and that the open space on the development will be reduced, as a result of the proposed changes.
Although the developers are now submitting some amendments, my basic objections to housing on this site remain.  
There seems to have been some confusion with the last date for objections.